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Other static assets

If your assets do not call for any image optimization or breakpoint-specific versions (i.e. the <Picture> component), then they fall into this category.

You can include any assets in the /public/ directory, to be served as static files from the compiled project's root. Do not tamper with the corgi-generated /public/_images/ directory though, as that is reserved for images generated and optimized by corgi.

Formats like .svg, .mp4, .mp3 (and so on) are good candidates for the /public/ directory. There is no need to use any specific component to access these files—just use the HTML-native <img>, <video>, or <audio> elements, respectively.

non-optimized images

You don't have to buy-in to corgi's image system if you prefer not to. Any file format be accessed from the public folder just as you'd expect, by referencing the file path from the project's root /. For example, an image in /public/images/logos/my-logo.png would be accessed via <img src="/images/logos/my-logo.png" alt="" />.


const MyComponent = () => {
return (
<img src="/images/logo.png" alt="Description of company logo." />

<img src="/images/diamond-icon.svg" alt="Diamond" />

<audio src="/audio/annoying-background-music.mp3" muted controls />
