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Create a project

The easiest way to set up a new project is via the corgi CLI. This page walks through that process at a high level.

To create a new project, run the folling in the command line:

npx @wethegit/corgi@latest project my-web-app

When prompted to enter a template URL, just press enter to skip the step for now. For more information on this step, check out the custom corgi templates documentation.

Once complete, navigate to your new project directory and install all dependencies:

cd my-web-app
npm install

To build the project locally and watch for changes, run:

npm start

🎉 That's it! You're ready to start building your web app.

Node.JS & NVM

corgi requires Node.js version 20 or greater. If you use nvm, run the following before installing dependencies:

nvm use