Class PointCloud

Class representing some Geometry.

Hierarchy (view full)



The WTCGL attribute collection that describes this geometry.

bounds: WTCGLBounds

An object defining the boundary of the geometry

drawRange: {
    count: number;
    start: number;

The range of supplied elements to draw.

The WTCGL rendering context.

An object defining all of the rendering state properties.

id: number

The unique ID of the Geometry.

instancedCount: number

The number of instances to draw.

isInstanced: boolean

A boolean indicating whether the geometry is an instanced geometry or not.

transformFeedbackIndex: number = 0
transformFeedbacks: TransformFeedback

Any supplied transform feedback objects

VAOs: {
    [key: string]: WebGLVertexArrayObject;

An array of vertex array objects that represent the different attributes.


  • Sets up the draw range, used to determined which properties are drawn


    • start: number

      The start of the range

    • count: number

      The number of properties to draw

    Returns void