Sweet Potato 🍠

Environments and environment variables

This project uses dotenv and accepts standard .env files.
Only values that start with PUBLIC_ will be accepted, this is because these values will be part of the final compiled files and available for the public.
In addition to passing these values to javascript files they will also be passed to Pug template files as part of the globals variables.


In addition to values from .env files Pug templates and Javascript files will also receive default global variables.




The only available global variable for styles is the breakpoints one, set inside the config. It needs to be imported first before you can use, see Usage below.




.js files:

// index.js
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") console.log("In dev");
console.log(process.env.PUBLIC_URL); // from .env

.pug files:

//- index.pug
link(rel="stylesheet" href=`${globals.RELATIVE_ROOT}/global.css`)
p=globals.PUBLIC_URL //- from .env

.scss files:

@import "sweet-potato:breakpoints";

@media #{$large-up} {
  // ...

Specifying other environments

Other environments can be used in different situations. For example to pass a different environment file to the build you would simply run:

$> sweet-potato-cooker build --env buildkind

Which would make the build use the file .env.buildkind