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useInView(observerOptions?, once?, setInViewIfScrolledPast?): InViewReturn

Detects whether a DOM element is in the viewport, using the IntersectionObserver API. useInView([observerOptions], [once], [setInViewIfScrolledPast])


Toggling a className on and off, based on whether a <section> is in view:

import { useInView } from "@wethegit/react-hooks"

const IN_VIEW_CLASSNAME = "in-view"

const MyComponent = () => {
const [setSectionRef, sectionInView, sectionElement] = useInView()

return (
<section ref={setSectionRef} className={sectionInView ? "in-view" : ""}>
<p>Sit quis ut id sit anim. Enim qui est ut tempor sunt.</p>

You can use a custom observerOptions "threshold" to tell the IntersectionObserver callback to fire when the element is 30% visible, in either direction:

const [setSectionRef, sectionInView, sectionElement] = useInView(0.3)

You can also pass a custom observerOptions object. In this example, we're telling the callback to fire when the element is 50% visible ("on enter"), but also to wait until the element is scrolled out of the top of the viewport by at least 30% of the viewport's height before firing it "on exit":

const [setSectionRef, sectionInView, sectionElement] = useInView({
threshold: 0.5,
rootMargin: "30% 0px 0px 0px"


observerOptionsNumber, IntersectionObserverInitDefault: 0. Number between 0 and 1, or an IntersectionObserver options object.
onceBooleanDefault: false. Whether to detach the observer from the DOM element after the first intersection callback is invoked.
setInViewIfScrolledPastBooleanDefault: false. Whether to consider the element already "in-view", if it is already scrolled beyond the bounds of the viewport when the target element is mounted.


useInView returns an Array containing the following values:

Return valueTypeDescription
setTargetRefFunctionPass this function to the ref prop of the DOM element you want to track visibility of.
isIntersectingBooleanWhether the target DOM element is in view, based on the provided observerOptions argument.
targetRefReact RefThe DOM node itself, once set by the setTargetRef function.